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So... Who am I?


Responsible | Curious | Growth-Oriented | Collaborative

I am a Toronto based innovation / future thinking driven product designer on a mission to create disruptions that challenge our ways of being.
My curiosity is born from the question of "why do things have to be the way they are today?", as our lives have been adapted to the architypes that have been designed around us today.

I leverage design thinking methodologies and technology to create products that deliver meaningful human opportunities and experiences.
My passion resides in Behavioral Studies, UX Design, Web 3.0, Mixed Reality, Human Computer Interaction, and Future Entertainment. I envision to build a future where people are more connected, become their true selves, and have meaningful lives.

Thanks for viewing my portfolio! As a learning designer, I'd love to hear your story as well. Feel free to connect with me on

What am I up to these days?

After graduating from OCAD University's Industrial Design program, I am interning at Canadian Tire Corporation as a UI/UX Designer. If you are a hiring manager reading this, please do not hesitate to reach out! Let's talk :)

Why am I passionate about UX Design?

Technology is the ingredient, and design is the chef. When they are blend so well, it makes the perfect appetizing dish. It is UX that makes technology more human and authentic well beyond making pleasant visuals. The power to create meaningful experiences at a large scale.

Where do my design skills lie?

I make empathetical approach with design thinking foundation. I am good at diving deep into understanding the existing problem, using design tools and empathy. I come up with creative ideas and concepts to deliver solutions to the problem.

What do I like to do in my free time?

Ngl, I'm a little workaholic. But if I let myself, I love getting lost in the city on my bike, and discovering new things that never came across seeing! I attend many events, conferences, and festivals throughout the year, so you might see me there! 

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